Thursday, February 24, 2011

We're stopping.

We've had our fun, now we're done.

-Dairy Queen && Hyper Dunk

BethanRose15 (Bethan)

I don't have much to say about you. I don't really know you.
But from what I've seen, you act like your all supior to everyone.
Really? Just because your a manager?
As if.
All you care about is Olivia and ass-kissing Lynzzy.
And where's the fun in that?

-Dairy Queen

This feels wrong.

Really wrong.
I don't wanna do this anymore.
I'm not sure I wanted to do it in the first place.
I was just mad.
From now on, I'll only be posting when I'm mad.
Which isn't that often.
Good bye.

-Dairy Queen


What the hell is wrong with you? I mean seriously. Something has to be wrong..
And what's up with 'Coco'? How the HELL can you get that from Sheema?
Honestly, I don't have much to say about you other than the fact that you're a used friend, and an asshole.

- Hyper Dunk


Where the hell do I begin? First off, you're a conceited BITCH.
Secondly, you judge people too fast. Quite annoying, honey bee.
You think Liv and Coco are your friends? They never have, nor will be.
And like DQ said, center of attention is what you think you need.
What you really need? A shrink.
I can call one for you if you want, but I'm afraid they just might scream if they know who they have to deal with..

- Hyper Dunk

kelly10kool (Coco)

Wow. Yeah, that's all I have to say. Wow. Your pathetic. You seem "bubbly," but no, your just a bitch, who uses people. I mean, Meghann? You? Friends? As if! She's using you as much as your using her!
You are the lowest of the low.
I know some of the things you've done.
I can bring you done, just by typing a few simple words.
You should be afraid.
Very afraid, pathetic bitch.

-Dairy Queen

FatBoySlimBabe (Meghann)

Where do we begin with this cow?
Oh, I know. The beginning.
You know the first word that comes to mind when I think of you? Bitch. And the second thing that comes to mind? Liv's pet.
Yeah, I said it. Because that's what you are. Liv's pet. That's all you'll ever be.
You make think your popular, but really, people are afraid. That's the only reason Coco stays by you. There all afraid of you.
But I'm not. I'll never be afraid.
Because all you do is hide behind Coco, Liv, Allie, and Becca.
You. Are. A. Wimp.
You HAVE to be the center of attention, or you get pissed.
I mean, WTF?!

-Dairy Queen

Change of plans.

There's only two writers now.
The other three are pathetic losers, and they were scared.

-Dairy Queen

The official list.

All you gotta do is ask, or be a bitch.
That's all.


Wassup, bitches?

Woo hoo. Let's get this party started. 
`Bout time some people got a lesson on who they really are. 
All of us will be harsh.. and.. that's it. 
Like Dairy Queen said, wanna be on it? Just ask. 

-Hyper Dunk

Welcome to our blog.

There are 5 writers, dearies. You'll learn there names soon enough.
Yes, this could be indentified as a 'Hate Blog', but I just call it the truth. And the truth hurts.
We'll be making a list soon. Tell us if you wanna be on it.
Prepare for the worst.

-Dairy Queen