Thursday, February 24, 2011

kelly10kool (Coco)

Wow. Yeah, that's all I have to say. Wow. Your pathetic. You seem "bubbly," but no, your just a bitch, who uses people. I mean, Meghann? You? Friends? As if! She's using you as much as your using her!
You are the lowest of the low.
I know some of the things you've done.
I can bring you done, just by typing a few simple words.
You should be afraid.
Very afraid, pathetic bitch.

-Dairy Queen


  1. YOU KNOW SHIT ALL ABOUT ME AND MY FRIENDS YOU STUPID WHORE. Rot in hell you pathetic, self-loathing fucking retard. You're just a bully with no self-respect. Coco is my best friend and you'll never fucking change that. You're just jealous you can't be close, and have the amazing friendships that all of us have, you fucking cunt.

  2. :S WTFH!?!?!?!? DUDE. FUCK YOU.

    thanks meg :3
